Where to begin? It had been one big stress-fest today. Today was supposed to be the day when everything was sorted out so that I could start getting ready to move into the flat. However, after paying my deposit, first months rent and agency fee, we went over to the policia so that I could get an NIE but I couldn't do that until I had an official address, which I technically had but I didn't have the landlords signature or my passport. So we went back to the agency to sort this out but the woman, being the drama queen she is decided to make a mount Everest out of next to nothing. By this time we had to go back to the house as everything in Spain shuts for lunch- no wonder no one has any money.
After lunch, as in 4pm, we set of for another office where I could get approved by the local authority. All was going swimmingly after we'd hunted down the woman we wanted to speak to, until she told us that I couldn't get what I wanted because my contract for the apartment doesn't start until Monday and so I don't technically have an address yet.
My god we were annoyed and I think the woman was a tad scared of Maria Dolors who was clearly very stressed at this point. Anyway, to drown out sorrows we went to Carrefour (the supermarket) and I bought some nice things to go in my new room- a Lightning McQueen poster, a mug and a duvet set. All the most important things of course. I also had a run in with a supermarket worker who shouted at me for going out the exit when I hadn't bought anything. In Spain, apparently, if you don't buy anything, you have to go out the entrance. She then proceeded to tell me how annoying the foreigners were in Catalan, obviously not realising that I can actually understand what she was blathering on about. Needless to say when she saw me a few minutes later still in her beloved supermarket she was uber polite and asked if I needed help with anything- kiss arse.
This evening we didn't do anything strenuous because we were knackered from running around town all day- it's not as small as you think! I have to mention the news here. My god it's so depressing. The Spanish news is about how no one has any money and yet somehow everyone has to pay a load of money just to keep the country going, and the Catalonian news is about how Madrid won't let them be independent and so they've thrown their teddy in the corner and moan about it to the poor Spanish public.
This feels like quite a depressing entry so I do apologise, but hey if you've read this far then it must be half decent. Hopefully the next few we be slightly more uplifting!
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