Sunday, 23 September 2012

20 hour journey and very little sleep.

So I've finally made it to Spain, after what feels like a life time of travelling. I left home on Saturday morning at 11am for my train down to London. Nothing went wrong throughout the journey, it was just mega long. After I'd got off the Eurostar I needed to navigate across the city to Paris Austerlitz to catch my overnight train. My luggage, by this time, felt like it had doubled in weight so I bit the bullet and hopped in a taxi. Well that was an experience in itself. Paris taxi drivers are maniacs and I have no idea how we arrived in one piece! 

Once I was at the station I thought the brunt of my journey was over. I was wrong. Jut getting to my cabin was a massive effort as the corridor was jest narrower than the width of my suitcase so I had to carry EVERYTHING in my poor hands. I was sharing with a French granny, a Chilean woman and a Chinese student who were all pleasant enough. But the beds were a bit too small and it was a very tight squeeze. I don't think I slept much but hey, it was an adventure. An adventure I won't be doing again any time soon- that's for sure

When I arrived in Barcelona I had to hop on 2 trains up to Vic which is the city I'll be living and teaching in. Maria picked me up from the station and I went back to hers for some breakfast.The rest of the day was  comprised of a quick tour of the area, an amazing nap, a birthday dinner for Josep (the husband) and then a nice walk around the local area. 

I am really happy to be here but nonetheless, I am looking forward to my flat hunting which starts- tomorrow at 7pm! And, after 20 hours of trains and lugging my stuff across Europe, this is about the best I could manage, blog-wise. Viva Espana!

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