Thursday, 27 September 2012

One Stressful Day.

Where to begin? It had been one big stress-fest today. Today was supposed to be the day when everything was sorted out so that I could start getting ready to move into the flat. However, after paying my deposit, first months rent and agency fee, we went over to the policia so that I could get an NIE but I couldn't do that until I had an official address, which I technically had but I didn't have the landlords signature or my passport. So we went back to the agency to sort this out but the woman, being the drama queen she is decided to make a mount Everest out of next to nothing. By this time we had to go back to the house as everything in Spain shuts for lunch- no wonder no one has any money. 

After lunch, as in 4pm, we set of for another office where I could get approved by the local authority. All was going swimmingly after we'd hunted down the woman we wanted to speak to, until she told us that I couldn't get what I wanted because my contract for the apartment doesn't start until Monday and so I don't technically have an address yet. 

My god we were annoyed and I think the woman was a tad scared of Maria Dolors who was clearly very stressed at this point. Anyway, to drown out sorrows we went to Carrefour (the supermarket) and I bought some nice things to go in my new room- a Lightning McQueen poster, a mug and a duvet set. All the most important things of course. I also had a run in with a supermarket worker who shouted at me for going out the exit when I hadn't bought anything. In Spain, apparently, if you don't buy anything, you have to go out the entrance. She then proceeded to tell me how annoying the foreigners were in Catalan, obviously not realising that I can actually understand what she was blathering on about. Needless to say when she saw me a few minutes later still in her beloved supermarket she was uber polite and asked if I needed help with anything- kiss arse.

This evening we didn't do anything strenuous because we were knackered from running around town all day- it's not as small as you think! I have to mention the news here. My god it's so depressing. The Spanish news is about how no one has any money and yet somehow everyone has to pay a load of money just to keep the country going, and the Catalonian news is about how Madrid won't let them be independent and so they've thrown their teddy in the corner and moan about it to the poor Spanish public. 

This feels like quite a depressing entry so I do apologise, but hey if you've read this far then it must be half decent. Hopefully the next few we be slightly more uplifting!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Somewhere to live.

The last couple of days have been a bit hectic in terms of sorting stuff out. We've been to see loads of apartments and I was starting to loose the will to live as most of them were dumps. One that we went to see this morning had a shower in the kitchen which I couldn't even stand up in and the toilet was outside. No thank you. And then yesterday we saw one which was lovely and modern except the tenant that was already living there seemed stoned and so we quickly decided that that one was not for me!!

However, after a fair few weirdos and a lot of walking later, we have found a 4th floor apartment in the city centre with 2 Spanish students. They seem really nice, as does the apartment which actually has light coming in! I'll be moving in there on Saturday and I'm going to sort out all my legal documents tomorrow with Maria Dolors. I was supposed to do all that stuff (bank account, mobile phone etc) today but being the dipstick that I am, I forgot my passport. Never mind eh? 

Anyway, tomorrow I'm off to Barcelona for some exploring and a spot of shopping. Very much looking forward to that. Hasta luego people!

Monday, 24 September 2012

My First day in Vic.

Today is my first full day in the lovely city of Vic. I love it! This morning I slept until 10 as I was still shattered from my stupid journey the day before. I took my time in sorting myself out this morning as I don't really have much to do in the house. But, I decided that I shouldn't be a bum and I went for a walk around the fields and houses here. 

When I arrived back, Maria was home and we made lunch together and ate rather quickly as she needed to get back to school. When she left I received a message from another student here to go and meet up for a drink and get to know each other. She was really nice and she is also looking for somewhere to live in Vic. I spent most of the afternoon with her and I'd like to say we explored the cultural side of the city, embracing the Spanish way of life but instead we sat outside in the 27 degree heat and drank beers. It's a hard life. 

When I came back to the house at about 6pm, Maria and I went straight out to her friends to drop off a present. She was very nice too and I'll be seeing her again next weekend apparently when we go on an excursion to the Pyrenees. Afterwards we went to the university to see if there was anybody that had put up posters for room-mates. We found a couple that I'll be attempting to ring tomorrow (wish me luck) and I also found a Spanish friend! (Gold star for me!!) Her name is Alena and we're going to get together to practise her English and my Spanish at some point. 

Once we were done at the uni, which is lovely and modern, we rushed across town to the flat viewing that we had lined up. It was a weird place. Jesus crosses everywhere and the mother and daughter were strange to say the least. The flat smelt funny and I don't think they were all there, if you know what I mean. The daughter was 19 but she acted and looked like a 12 year old. We kept asking the woman to speak Spanish but she kept merging back to Catalan. She must have had the attention span of a sieve. It was a good thing to see what kind of thing was out there and the price range but I don't think that was for me. I have decided that I want to live with other students so that I am with other people of the same age and intellect. 

Tea was super again but I am shattered again now as I've done a fair bit of Spanish speaking, All in all, today has been a fab day and I already love the city and I'm glad that after only a couple of days I have some people to go out and play with, so to speak.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

20 hour journey and very little sleep.

So I've finally made it to Spain, after what feels like a life time of travelling. I left home on Saturday morning at 11am for my train down to London. Nothing went wrong throughout the journey, it was just mega long. After I'd got off the Eurostar I needed to navigate across the city to Paris Austerlitz to catch my overnight train. My luggage, by this time, felt like it had doubled in weight so I bit the bullet and hopped in a taxi. Well that was an experience in itself. Paris taxi drivers are maniacs and I have no idea how we arrived in one piece! 

Once I was at the station I thought the brunt of my journey was over. I was wrong. Jut getting to my cabin was a massive effort as the corridor was jest narrower than the width of my suitcase so I had to carry EVERYTHING in my poor hands. I was sharing with a French granny, a Chilean woman and a Chinese student who were all pleasant enough. But the beds were a bit too small and it was a very tight squeeze. I don't think I slept much but hey, it was an adventure. An adventure I won't be doing again any time soon- that's for sure

When I arrived in Barcelona I had to hop on 2 trains up to Vic which is the city I'll be living and teaching in. Maria picked me up from the station and I went back to hers for some breakfast.The rest of the day was  comprised of a quick tour of the area, an amazing nap, a birthday dinner for Josep (the husband) and then a nice walk around the local area. 

I am really happy to be here but nonetheless, I am looking forward to my flat hunting which starts- tomorrow at 7pm! And, after 20 hours of trains and lugging my stuff across Europe, this is about the best I could manage, blog-wise. Viva Espana!

Friday, 21 September 2012

Goodbye all!

Well, this is it. Tomorrow morning I set off down to London from Chester to start my mammoth of a journey down to Barcelona. I've (just about) packed apart from a few bits and bobs that need to wait until tomorrow morning- toothbrush, shampoo etc. I have a sufficient amount of PG Tips tucked away for those home comforts, as any other Spanish variety will not suffice. 

I'm a tad nervous but mainly just excited to start a new adventure in a new place. The prospect of making a 20 hour train journey is a bit daunting but I'm not bothered to be honest as I'll have a bed on the 12 hour leg from Paris to Barcelona. It all gets a bit blurry when I arrive in Barcelona as I'll have to cross the city on the metro and then find the station and catch the train to Vic. Then, Maria will be picking me up from the station and then I'll take it from there. 

All that aside, after a lovely summer it's time to get back to work and actually make something of my life whilst (hopefully) improving on my Spanish and Catalan. The next blog will be from the land of tapas and paella, ciao for now!!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

The Waiting Game

I have just over a week left in sunny North Wales before I set off for Barcelona. I absolutely cannot wait to get out there and start my Spanish year! I have been talking on Skype with Maria and she is so lovely and has made me feel a lot less stressed about coming over alone. We talked about what I was going to be doing at the school and general Spanish doings. 

I am leaving on 22nd September and I am going by TRAIN, yes, by TRAIN! It takes 20 hours to get there but it's the same price for me and I won't have any baggage restraints. Travelling doesn't bother me so I thought, why not?! Also, flying seemed to be a logistical nightmare and so we decided that I'd go through Paris and then down to Vic by train where Maria will pick me up. 

I'll be primarily working with Maria on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 4 hours each day and I will not be working on Mondays or Thursdays- what a hard life eh? I will be teaching 4, 5 and 6 year olds and we're going to be doing a project about the ugly duckling which should be fun. 

As for my accommodation, I have been in contact with the Erasmus coordinator for Vic University and I have asked her if there is a possibility that I could live with Spanish students. It was a  long shot but she seemed very keen and she will be passing on my details to Spanish/Catalan students (who studying English) that may want an English student to live with so they we can help each other with language. I love this idea. 

I have my Euros ready and all my relevant documents so all that there is to do now is actually get there! Eeekk.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Prep...for the big adventure!

I've been a bit absent since my blogging days en France, in that, I haven't blogged at all. Mainly because their hasn't been a great deal to blog about. I've have been to Bournemouth, London and France (again) for some little breaks before this adventure really kicks off. 

So this is the update so far on my progress. I'll be teaching English in a Spanish/Catalan primary school in a village called Gurb. (Which I think sounds like something you say when you throw up- but that's just my opinion!) The village is on the outskirts of a town called Vic which is 80km or so outside of Barcelona. I'll be starting on October 1st and stay there through until the end of May next year. 

I have been in contact with a teacher from my school- Maria, who will be my 'mentor' and colleague for when I'm at the school. She has been a great help to me and I'll be staying with her for the first week whilst I sort out accommodation, bank accounts etc as it's easier to do that kind of stuff when I'm actually there.

In terms of my 'Spanish', I'm a tad apprehensive as I have been in French mode all summer and I can't seem to switch to Spanish as proved the other day when I struggled to remember the word for 'dog' (which is 'perro' by the way). 

I'm feeling slightly nervous but nonetheless excited to get my Spanish adventure under way in 3 weeks time!!