Friday, 29 June 2012

The Grandparents.

This morning,  Michele, Chloe and I popped to the supermarket to get food for this weekend as the grandparents are here to stay. We bought a shed load of bread as her Dad eats a lot of bread. As she's not wrong, my god he must have eaten a whole baguette to himself and I'm sure we've just gone through a whole tub of butter. Anyway, back to this morning. Well we had to find various specific food stuffs as they're quite picky apparently. We picked up some mussels which I love so I was happy to be dragged around Saint-Nazaire to find a decent place that sold them. 

For lunch, Michele and I actually had something lunchy. We had a salad, cheeses, pates and bread and it was lush. We then watched an awesome daytime tv game show that I want to someone to introduce to the UK cos it's fab. Afterwards, I was left in the house alone as Michele went to visit a friend having chemotherapy in hospital. she asked if I wanted to come too but I didn't really think it was appropriate. 

This evening, when the kids came home we played the usual stuff and I occupied them whilst Michele ran around the house trying to tidy up in preparation for the parents. When they arrived it was a tad awkward. But after a while they relaxed and they're really nice people. They're easy to understand too cos they're both as deaf as a post so they speak really loudly. Even grumpy Christoph was talking to me today, maybe it was the wine, not complaining though. The mussels were immense but quite salty. For pudding we had cream with a side helping of strawberries so I feel like I need to go and do some exercise to burn of all the cream. Nonetheless it has been a lovely evening so I'm not complaining. Tomorrow we have the school show and Iola's dance show in the evening so it should be a good day. Bye people! 

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